Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why Fear Death?

One of the words that I would like to eliminate is “unprecedented.” I’m tired of hearing the phrase: “We live in unprecedented times.” What is so different about our time? What has really changed?

Yes, we are having to wear masks and be socially distant from one another. But, really, what has changed? And, I am praying for the day, when our masks will be removed, and we can be more social with one another. But, really, what is so different about today, besides our outward appearances?

Before we ever heard about COVID-19 ravaging Wuhan, China, we faced the wages of our sin in this country. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23a). And, death is nothing new. The wages of sin have led to cancer, heart disease, influenza, pneumonia, and the list goes on. So, why are we fearing death?

Well, much of the fear is about faith. Yes, our faith in Christ Jesus is often lacking. We turn on the cable news or evening news, and immediately our faith diminishes. We hear of a shooting in Minneapolis. We hear of riots in Portland. We hear of looting in downtown Chicago. The defunding of police has certainly had a cause and effect upon gun sales throughout our country.

At the same time, while we fear death, many of the voiceless have died due to no fault of their own through abortion. These children never had a say. Then, we have infants and toddlers murdered by stray bullets. Not a peep by the mainstream news. But, we, who have a voice often fear death.

Why should we fear death? Well, for those who do not trust in “Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16), death is to be feared. For as Christ says, those who do not believe in Him as their Lord and Savior will receive eternal punishment in hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. They have much fear. They do not ever wish to die. For outside of Christ, there is only worry and torment when death comes.

But, in Christ, for those who trust in Him, there is only eternal bliss when they die. For everyone in Christ becomes heirs of the kingdom of heaven! In Christ, we receive the free gift of everlasting life! (Romans 6:23b)

Today, the mainstream news gives us the daily count on COVID-19 victims. The mainstream news wants us to worry and not trust in Christ Jesus. They desire us to trust in ourselves and our political leaders. But, don’t fall into their indoctrination. Instead, trust in the Lord and open your Bible. As you read through your Bible, you will read how much the Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) loves you! And, if you can, read God’s Written Word aloud. Since faith comes by hearing – by speaking God’s Word – you will notice a profound difference than just reading God’s Word silently. You will read that in Christ, we do not fear death. In fact, as Christians, we welcome death! Yes, death is our enemy. But, Christ has conquered the power of eternal death through His life, His suffering, His death and His resurrection upon everyone who believes in Him, so that through Him, we receive eternal life, salvation, and forgiveness of sins!

The third stanza of “Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart” (LSB 708) proclaims that Christians are not to fear death, but welcome it, since Christ has conquered this evil foe:

Lord, let at last Thine angels come,
To Abram's bosom bear me home,
That I may die unfearing;
And in its narrow chamber keep
My body safe in peaceful sleep
Until Thy reappearing.
And then from death awaken me,
That these mine eyes with joy may see,
O Son of God, Thy glorious face,
My Savior and my fount of grace.
Lord Jesus Christ, my prayer attend, my prayer attend,
And I will praise Thee without end.

Now, as Christians, we are not to temp death or even kill ourselves. This goes against God’s command. That is not what welcoming death is about. Instead, we are to love each other as Christ continues to love us.

Christ shows His love to us in His Means of Grace [Baptism (Confession and Absolution), the Lord’s Supper, and the proclamation of His Written Word] for which we receive by grace through faith in Him: eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and salvation!

We, who are of little faith, are strengthened only through Christ. On our own, we are wandering sheep who can be devoured by wolves and fall down a cliff to our death apart from the Good Shepherd. But with Christ, we are empowered knowing that whatever happens to us – good or bad – we are never alone, for the Good Shepherd is there to protect us from the powers of sin, death, hell, and Satan. In Christ alone, we have received the kingdom of heaven and all the graces that being in the kingdom bestows: eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and salvation!

In Christ,
Pastor Adelsen

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