Thursday, April 23, 2020

Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free

"Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free" (LSB 473) was written by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis professor Martin Franzmann (1907-1976) two years before his death.
The hymn originated at the invitation of Augsburg Publishing House of the American Lutheran Church, which was cooperating with the Lutheran Church in America and The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in the Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship (ILCW). As the ILCW worked toward the publication of the Lutheran Book of Worship hymnal, Augsburg instituted a hymn-of-the-month series for two church years, from 1973 to 1975, "Our Paschal Lamb" was one of those hymns.
The hymn's text does not focus so much on the empty tomb as it does on its effects in the life of each believer who has been baptized into Christ's resurrection. Franzmann based "Our Paschal Lamb" on 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, which St. Paul uses Old Testament imagery to express the implications of Christ's resurrection for Christians. All humanity is freed from eternal death by the sacrifice of Jesus. How amazing that God uses a death to restore life!
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
1 Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free,
Is sacrificed. O keep
The feast of freedom gallantly;
Let alleluias leap: Refrain
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Again
Sing alleluia, cry aloud: Alleluia! Amen!
2 Let all our lives now celebrate
The feast; let malice die.
Let love grow strong anew, and great,
Let truth stamp out the lie. Refrain
3 Let all our deeds, unanimous,
Confess Him as our Lord
Who by the Spirit lives in us,
The Father’s living Word. Refrain
Text: © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House. Used by permission: CPH Limited Promotional License no. 119000000

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